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Kamis, 01 Oktober 2015

Taman Rekreasi Sengkaling

Sengkaling Recreation Park is located at Jl. Raya Mulyoagung No. 188, District Dau, Malang regency, or is sekitar10 km from the center of the city of Malang. The location is very strategic because right on the edge of the highway that connects the city of Malang in Batu, so it is easily accessible by private car or public transportation. Malang Sengkaling Recreation Park is a family tour, according to the slogan Dream Family Travel Air, and provide a wide range of games for pampering guests, among which are the playground, rides on land and water, multipurpose hall and swimming baths. Sengkaling total area of ​​about 9 hectares and 6 hectares are in the form of parks and trees soothing. Sengkaling Recreation Park is open every day, with operating hours from 06.00 to 17.00 pm. It is intended to give flexibility to the people who will do recreation and relaxation with family.
Sengkaling Recreation Park was first established by a Dutch citizen named Mr. Coolman in 1950 and was managed by Mochtar residents of Padang. When administered Mochtar, Sengkaling always closed on Fridays. Since 1975 until now, management Sengkaling Recreation Park was taken over by PT. Bentoel Group and managed by PT. Bentoel park. PT. Bentoel park, is one of the subsidiaries Bentoel Group is engaged in the field of tourism services in the form of recreation parks. If the first at the beginning of the operation of this Sengkaling Recreational Park, only for employees of PT. Bentoel. But while its development, Sengkaling Recreation Park then opened to the public. Recreation Park Sengkaling with the overall land area of ​​9 hectares, is divided on 6 hectares of others are still in the form of parks and green leafy trees. This tourist spot has various facilities which has its own advantages compared to other tourist spots. One is the water attractions are derived from natural sources mountains. That said, one of the sources that exist, namely Swimming Tirta Alam, believed to make people stay young and to this very day are still many people who believe it.
Sengkaling Recreation Park Address:Jl. Malang Raya Mulyoagung 188

Tips untuk memutihkan gigi

Bagaimana cara memutihkan gigi secara alami, cepat dan mudah? 

Merawat gigi ternyata tidak hanya dapat dilakukan dengan cara seperti menggosok gigi dengan menggunakan pasta gigi yang bermerk, tapi kita juga harus dapat menghindari kebiasaan buruk yang bisa menyebabkan gigi anda menjadi tampak tidak putih kembali. Selain itu anda juga dapat melakukan beberapa tips tradisional / alami untuk memutihkan gigi berikut ini : 
1. Memutihkan Gigi dengan Memakai Arang Kayu 
2. Memutihkan Gigi dengan Kulit Jeruk
3. Memutihkan Gigi dengan stawberry
4. Memutihkan Gigi dengan Pasta Gigi alami dengan cara daun salam di tumbuk 
5. Memutihkan Gigidengan Lemon dan Garam
Demikian tips atau cara untuk memutihkan gigi anda. Lakukan kebiasaan hidup yang baik dan sehat karena dengan begitu kesehatan anda akan tetap terjaga, termasuk kesehatan gigi.